Error using "bzr baz-import".

Erik de Castro Lopo erikd+bzr at
Fri Jan 13 13:03:21 GMT 2006

Hi all,

I'm trying to move some project from GNU Arch (tla) to Bzr.
I have PyBaz and bzrtools installed and they seem to be set up
correctly however:

    prompt > bzr baz-import project erikd at miles--2004/project--edv--0
    bzr: ERROR: (error formatting exception of type     
    bzrlib.plugins.bzrtools.baz_import.UserError: __str__ returned 
    non-string (type instance))

The problem was that project--edv--0 should have been project--dev--0

Once that was corrected the import seemed to work.

  Erik de Castro Lopo
Being really good at C++ is like being really good at using rocks to
sharpen sticks." -- Thant Tessman

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