bzr too slow

Jan Hudec bulb at
Thu Jan 12 08:19:57 GMT 2006

On Thu, Jan 12, 2006 at 02:24:42 +0100, Denys Duchier wrote:
> Martin Pool <mbp at> writes:
> > Right, and you could possibly also have "rollback tasks", which are run
> > if the transaction is cleaned up without being committed.
> My own approach to this issue is basically the TransactionFS that I posted about
> earlier.

Can you please point me to that earlier post? I don't can't find it here
and the archive does not seem to support searching.

> The TransactionFS by itself does not guarantee that committing it will succeed
> (perhaps things have changed concurrently, or perhaps you are exceeding your
> quota, or perhaps you have rights, but the filesystem is so mounted that you
> cannot exercise them (might happend e.g. with poetzl's bme, etc...)).
> If really desired, a robust form of journaling can be implemented that addresses
> these issues, but that's a lot of work for basically NO reward (considering that
> "bzr revert" can fix most practical cases).

Transaction *can't* guarantee that committing will succeed. There will
always exist a failure that will prevent it from succeeding.

						 Jan 'Bulb' Hudec <bulb at>
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