Supermirror problems

John Arbash Meinel john at
Tue Jan 10 22:43:44 GMT 2006

James Blackwell wrote:
> Would anybody happen to know of conditions that can cause branch-format to
> be zeroed out? 
> For a reason that I havent' ascertained yet, the supermirror initially
> mirrors branches. On some later mirror, the branch format file gets turned
> into a zero length file.

As far as I know, the only time we create .bzr/branch-format is when we
first initialize a branch, or if we upgrade a branch. (Say the first
time you pull). After that, all the code is read-only.

$ grep -rnI "branch-format" bzrlib/
> bzrlib/        os.remove(self.branch.controlfilename('branch-format'))
Remove the old one while we upgrade

> bzrlib/        self.branch.put_controlfile('branch-format', format)
Set it to the new one

> bzrlib/tests/     ('.bzr/branch-format', 'Bazaar-NG branch, format 0.0.4\n'),
> bzrlib/tests/    ( './.bzr/branch-format',
> bzrlib/tests/    ( './.bzr/branch-format',
Tests involving the branch format

> bzrlib/tests/        self.failUnlessExists('.bzr/branch-format')
Another test

> bzrlib/tests/        self.failUnless(self.weblogs[0].endswith('branch-format HTTP/1.1" 200 -'))
Test again

> bzrlib/            ('branch-format', BZR_BRANCH_FORMAT_6),
Create it during branch initialization

bzrlib/            fmt = self.controlfile('branch-format',
Read only

bzrlib/    print 'branch format:',
b.controlfile('branch-format', 'r').readline().rstrip('\n')
Read only.

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