[RFC] make miss alias to missing?

John Arbash Meinel john at arbash-meinel.com
Tue Jan 10 14:47:44 GMT 2006

Wouter van Heyst wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 10, 2006 at 10:41:36AM -0200, Julio Biason wrote:
>>On 10/01/06, Wouter van Heyst <larstiq at larstiq.dyndns.org> wrote:
>>>>Why not autocomplete on every command?  I.E. why not hack get_cmd_object
>>>>to search though all of the commands and see if only one command has a
>>>>leading match? That would allow for things like "bzr com" "bzr l" and such
>>>That will certainly break with new versions of bzr/plugins. There is
>>>some value in predictability.
>>Using the "whole" command name would make them predictable.
> So I've been using ci for commit since the dawn of time, but it is okay
> to break that, I should have been spelling it in full?
> Wouter van Heyst

Plugins and scripts shouldn't be written to use 'ci' for commit.
It is arguable whether ci should equal commit in bzr. AFAIK, it is from
cvs, being short for 'check-in'. I know that 'bzr get' behavior may be
changing in the future (it currently is the same as 'bzr branch', but it
may switch to being the same as 'bzr checkout', or possibly 'bzr branch

I don't know of any plans for 'ci'. I think as a convenience for users
migrating for cvs we put it there, and we'll leave it in.
But I do think aliases are generally not as guaranteed as the whole
name. Which is why scripts should be written against the full name. (I
wouldn't write a script using 'bzr st' for that example.)

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