[patch] bzr diff -r 1501..

Martin Pool mbp at sourcefrog.net
Tue Jan 10 01:36:00 GMT 2006

On Mon, 2006-01-09 at 12:43 -0600, John Arbash Meinel wrote:

> > Here's a tiny patch to fix it by turning any missing final revision 
> > spec into an implicit "-1".
> > 
> > robey
> The problem is sometimes you want '-1', and sometimes you want
> WorkingTree. Which is why -r X.. has been defined by the command.

As John says, you should probably do this in the particular command.
(It does seem like it would be nicer to do it globally though....)

Perhaps the final value should be initialized to not -1 or None but some
special object so we can make sure commands handle it, rather than just
accidentally treating it as 0.

> For instance, 'log' has no working tree definition, it only does
> committed revisions. But 'diff' would definitely want the ability to
> diff against the working tree.
> Same thing for why missing the beginning is command defined.
> 'bzr log -r ..X'  Log from the beginning until revision X
> 'bzr diff -r ..X' Possibly 'give me just the diff for X'. In my head it
> is an okay way of introducing 'give me just the changeset for this
> revision' rather than requiring people to write "bzr diff -r X-1..X" all
> the time.

I'd like to avoid writing that, but using -r..X would feel strangely
inconsistent.  I think I'd prefer -rX give X-1..X, and -rX.. give the
changes from X to the working directory.   Robert points out that this
is inconsistent with cvs and svn.


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