default ignores don't ignore '.swp'

John Arbash Meinel john at
Mon Jan 9 14:37:25 GMT 2006

Aaron Bentley wrote:
> Jan Hudec wrote:
>>>Well, the bug claims it is 'painful' for projects that need files that
>>>are ignored by default. Which I'd see as the actual problem. Perhaps
>>>this kind of files should not be ignored in built-in defaults, but
>>>rather in defaults generated to .bzrignore during init. That would be
>>>easy for the user to override (even what about configurable template?)
> It's very easy to override the defaults, and after you've done it once,
> you can just copy the file from another project.  I agree that having
> configurable templates, or even per-user defaults would be nice.
> (Say, didn't you contribute the customizable init-tree to aba? :-)
> Aaron

Really. Having .bzrignore doesn't override the defaults as far as I can
tell. It just adds to them.

Here is a simple example:
$ mkdir a
$ cd a/
$ bzr init
$ touch foo.pyc
$ touch xxx
$ bzr st
$ echo xxx > .bzrignore
$ bzr st

Basically, .bzrignore is things you want to ignore *on top of* what bzr
defaults to ignoring.
Which is why should not be in the default ignores. You can
easily type 'bzr ignore' if they are autogenerated, but you
can't get rid of a default ignore.

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