Inner repos
John A Meinel
john at
Sat Dec 31 16:35:22 GMT 2005
Marco Canini wrote:
> Hi John,
> thanks for the fast reply.
> I'm playing a bit with bzr since yesterday, I'm happy to know I can do that.
> Another question: well maybe it's more than one
> Why the push cmd is not shipped with bzr?
> I think that for a distributed rcs it's really important to have the push cmd.
What version are you using? I'm assuming you are using bzr 0.6, which
was released a very long time ago (in bzr age).
The main developer (Martin Pool), went on vacation just before he was
going to release 0.7, which has lots of improvements.
The push that is present in bzrtools is a little bit dangerous, as it
just does an rsync push. It does do some checks to help prevent you from
overwriting stuff accidentally, but it isn't really designed around a
shared branch.
You might grab the latest We now have a built-in push command,
and if you install paramiko ( you will also
get sftp support. (The only limitation is that it won't update the
remote working tree).
> Another thing I'm really interested in is the support for plugins.
> Now bzr would be really perfect to me if it could support through a plugin
> this use case.
> First lemme say that it's fantastic to have only one .bzr directory.
> My ideal use of bzr would be to have two branches, one on a backed up server,
> the other on my laptop. The second would be a clone of the first.
> However in those branches I would not only keep sources, or in general textual
> files, but also binary files.
> Except in rare case I would not be interested to enable revision control for
> those binary files, however I would like them to be known by bzr so that they
> can be synched between server and laptop.
> I know it's kinda a mix between rsync or unison and a rcs, but that would be
> great for me.
> Do you think it's feasible? Or does it already exist?
Well, there are a few things here. First, bzr handles binary files just
fine. It never modifies file contents, so you don't have to worry about
keyword expansion or something like that.
Its delta compression on binary files is relatively poor. It just hasn't
been something we focused on. (Our storage splits on newlines, which is
valid for even binary files, but is far from optimal).
I'm not sure how you would make files "not revision controlled, but
known by the revision control system". If you wanted, you could take
either bzrtools' push, or my rsync plugin
It would be pretty simple to add a new file: .rsyncinclude
Right now my rsync plugin pays attention to .bzrignore and .rsyncexclude
By adding support for .rsyncinclude, you could put whatever binary files
you wanted in there, and then when you do 'bzr rpush' it would invoke
rsync to copy over all of the version controlled files, and then your
binary files.
Is that what you were hoping for?
> Thanks
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