Should mutter() flush the log file?

John A Meinel john at
Tue Dec 27 22:53:21 GMT 2005

John A Meinel wrote:
> I was working on rewriting mutter() so that it never fails.


> Any comments?
> To be clear, I'm currently planning to update my test so that it does
> its own flush, and then changing mutter() so that it flushes if
> BZR_DEBUG is set.

Well, in looking deeper, I found a catch. BZR_DEBUG is no longer used in
the codebase. I assume it happened when Martin re-implemented mutter()
because the default logging.debug() was too expensive.

Since BZR_DEBUG was taken out of the picture, I don't really feel like
bringing it back. But I don't want to always flush() either.


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