[rfc] [patch] remove apply_changeset_tree and get_inventory_change

John A Meinel john at arbash-meinel.com
Sat Dec 24 19:41:55 GMT 2005

Denys Duchier wrote:
> Here is another proposed cleanup:
> branch:  http://delta.univ-orleans.fr/~duchier/bzr/bzr.cleanup
> revno :  1495
> bzr.cleanup $ bzr log -r 1495
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> revno: 1495
> committer: Denys Duchier <denys.duchier at mozart-oz.org>
> branch nick: bzr.cleanup
> timestamp: Fri 2005-12-23 19:03:21 +0100
> message:
>   removed apply_changeset_tree and get_inventory_change
>   apply_changetset_tree not only was not used but called
>   tree.update_source_inventory which is not defined anywhere
>   get_inventory_change was only used by apply_changeset_tree
> --Denys

Well, you removed dead code, and all the tests pass, and I can't find 
anywhere that references the code you removed. So +1 from me.


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