windows support

Johan Rydberg jrydberg at
Tue Dec 20 13:08:40 GMT 2005

jblack at (James Blackwell) writes:

> That said, there's been some hard core work on both the current (weave)
> and potentially next (append only known as "knit") format. [...] The
> recent tests for knit showed a whopping 98% reduction in time for bzr
> branch -- as in from 80 minutes down to less than 2. Its not quite ready
> for inclusion in official yet -- it still has some bugs, hasn't
> been reviewed yet and may or may not have tests.

Regarding knits and testing;

It is not obvious how the test suite should be re-worked to support
testing of several history formats: Should all the tests be run with
all different history formats?  Probably not.  Should some tests be
run with all different history formats?  Probably.

The work I have done has mostly been about defining APIs to enable the
bzrlib core to handle several different history formats.  If we write
API tests for these new API, and test all history formats with them,
in theory the rest of the tests should pass.  Other key functionality
also need per-format testing, such as fetchers, cloners, and upgraders.

There of course will be specific tests for the core functionality of
the history formats, such as and

The APIs I'm refering to is the VersionedFile, VersionedFileStore and
RevisionStore classes.  There is a limited set of tests for
VersionedFile.  This is an area that absolutely need more work.


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