[RFC] [PATCH] configurable selection of progress indicator

duchier at ps.uni-sb.de duchier at ps.uni-sb.de
Thu Dec 15 00:30:29 GMT 2005

Aaron Bentley <aaron.bentley at utoronto.ca> writes:

> | 	1. if we don't have a tty, use dots
> Hmm.  If we don't have a tty, should we use anything?

No idea.  I just reused the selection logic that was already there.

> Actually, I think environment variables fit the bill rather well.  You
> can use them like options or as global settings, and I'm sure you can
> arrange to have EMACS set BZR_PROGRESS="dot" -- I mean,
> BZR_PROGRESS="bar" for you.  That would allow you to override it in the
> one case you want it overridden.

We can have those too, but I don't like them much (don't like
polluting the environment).  My preference goes to the config option.
I just thought I should provide a complete solution rather than a



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