Small datapoint

Goffredo Baroncelli kreijack at
Tue Dec 13 21:52:46 GMT 2005

On Tuesday 13 December 2005 22:33, Johan Rydberg wrote:
> John Arbash Meinel <john at> writes:
> > So it took 20x longer over http than it took over sftp. All of this is
> > local (including a local DNS server). But noticing that the user time is
> > 20minutes, it seems that all of that time is spent parsing something.
> > (Probably the inventory).
> That is correct.  There are two ways to clone a branch; either by
> iterating over the inventory and fetching revisions as they come, or
> if the transport can list directories it is possible to copy the files
> directly.
I wrote a patch that can extract the file_id from the weave without extracting
every inventory from the inventory weave (see my previous  email
"[RFC][PATCH 2/4] Speed improvement in fetch/clone: file_involved( ) test" )


gpg key@ Goffredo Baroncelli (ghigo) <kreijack at inwind_DOT_it>
Key fingerprint = CE3C 7E01 6782 30A3 5B87  87C0 BB86 505C 6B2A CFF9

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