bzr webinterface

Goffredo Baroncelli kreijack at
Tue Dec 13 19:53:59 GMT 2005

On Tuesday 13 December 2005 13:18, you (Mattias Eriksson) wrote:
> Hi, 
> I think your webinterface looks quite nice and feature rich. There are
> as always some small things I think could be improved, not on a
> technical level but at a usability level.

Thank for the suggestions; you can see my update at

see also my comments below

> * What I think feels strange is that when I click on link on the first
> page I expect to view the project. For me a software project is focused
> around the files, so I expect to se a file listing. Now I se the global
> history. I don't know if I'm the only one that feels this, but at least
> it would be nice to have it as an option.

Added; the first page ( where there are the links to the repositories ),
have two links for every entry: one for the log, the second for the inventory

> * The file view could use some minor improvements. The [A] and [L] means
> nothing to the user and have to be learned, and the changeset stuff to
> the right is not usefull to the normal user. I suggest a redesign of the
> view where the changeset stuff is removed and instead the last revno
> where the file is modified would be provided. A click on the revision
> number would show the changeset (log message, filelisting, some advanced
> link to show the full diff), A click on the filename show the annotate
> info. and a link "log" to show the log for the file. 

The file id is substituted by the revision_id of the file. If you click on
this link you go in the changelog on file basis; if you click on the name
you go on the file annotate. In this last page is showed the file_id.

If you link on a directory entry you go in the directory; if you
click on the log link at the right you can see the logs related to the
files contained in the directory

> A interface I think was nice is svnweb, it combines the directory layout
> with the changeset in a nice way.
I am not a good web designer; I hope that someone will improve the aesthetic 
of this web interface...

> The default view shows info about the last changeset and a listing of
> the files modified (the filelisting is optional an may be
> expanded/unexpanded from the same page). Then under that info it shows a
> directory listing. 

What you described is similar to our revision entry

> //Mattias

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