[PLUGIN] Lesslog -> run bzr log through less automatically

Jan Hudec bulb at ucw.cz
Tue Dec 13 18:04:55 GMT 2005

On Tue, Dec 13, 2005 at 17:59:31 +0100, Erik Bågfors wrote:
> 2005/12/13, James Blackwell <jblack at merconline.com>:
> > I find myself running 'bzr log -r-10..-1 --lines' quite a lot. Its usually
> > what I want about 90% of the time.
> >
> > I think log could be a bit more useful if:
> >
> >  * --lines was the default, with the old behaviour coming back with --full
> >
> >  * A sane default is put in place for bzr log, say -15..-1. .5. If
> >    somebody really wants more than 15 lines of logs, they can type
> >    -r-1..1
> I disagree with both of these.
> The reason is that for me, half of the REALLY good thing about bzr log
> is that I get the log from all commits in all merges.
> Secondly, I use | less so often that I don't even think about it
> anymore.  If feel unexpected to NOT get the full log when I do "bzr
> log".

So woul I.

> Thirdly, there is a number of good reasons to stay with something
> that's familiar to cvs/svn/darcs/etc users.  They all expect the full
> log when running "bzr log".
> A svn user will imediatly see that they get to keep the logs from all
> merges, which will show this person that bzr is lots better than svn. 
> But saying that the equivalent of  "svn log" is "bzr -r-1..1 --full
> log"  shows that bzr is more advance (and hard to use) than svn.
> I think the defaults should stay and people can install plugins, learn
> how to use "| less", "| head" etc, or learn how to create aliases.

Personally I often don't want to use pager even for very long output, because
I have very long scrollback on my terminal. That especially makes sense if
the logs were - as I think they should - printed OLDEST FIRST. Than I see the
more recent part immediately and scroll back to the older parts.

> It could be an idea to have a "shortlog" command or make something
> like that easily accessable with "bzr log -s" or something.

I would propose two options:

bzr log -<number>
(for any numerical value of -<number>) would be shortcut for -r -1..-<number>

bzr log -R
(or something else if -R is already taken) would mean to print log reversed.
Ie. oldest to newest for the default case and in combination with the above.

						 Jan 'Bulb' Hudec <bulb at ucw.cz>
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