[RFC][merge] Patience Sorting Diffs

John Arbash Meinel john at arbash-meinel.com
Tue Dec 13 13:29:03 GMT 2005

Aaron Bentley wrote:
> John Arbash Meinel wrote:
> | I'll check into it more thoroughly, and hopefully I'll find the problem.
> | (My best guess is that cdvdifflib.SequenceMatcher is returning blocks
> | differently than what is expected, so the alignment of {} and [] is not
> | the same. However, in my direct tests of this, it returns the expected
> | blocks...)
> I'm getting weirdness in Merge3:
> abentley at lappy:~/bzr.revision-storage$ ../bzr.patience/bzr merge
> ../bzr.mpool bzr: ERROR: exceptions.AssertionError:
> ~  at /home/abentley/bzr.patience/bzrlib/merge3.py line 235
> ~  in merge_regions
> The code in question calls code that calls get_matching_blocks.
> Apparently, find_sync_regions is confused enough that it's producing
> regions of negative length.
> Aaron

Any chance you can come up with a test case. I'll try to visually
inspect how a negative range could exist, but being able to trace
something around would be nice.

Thanks for your help,
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