[RFC][PATCH 2/4] Speed improvement in fetch/clone: file_involved( ) test

Goffredo Baroncelli kreijack at inwind.it
Sat Dec 10 18:15:08 GMT 2005

This patch add the test case for the function file_involved( ). Moreover
changes a bit the fetch test in order to adapt this test to a different behavior 
of the function greedy_fetcher: before this function returned the revision
fetched ( they didn't fetch a revision already fetched ); now the function
greedy_fetcher returns the number of the revision in which the two histories differ.

=== added file 'bzrlib/tests/test_file_involved.py'
--- /dev/null
+++ bzrlib/tests/test_file_involved.py
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+from bzrlib.tests import TestCaseInTempDir
+import os
+from bzrlib.commit import commit
+from bzrlib.add import smart_add
+from bzrlib.branch import Branch
+from bzrlib.clone import copy_branch
+from bzrlib.merge import merge
+from bzrlib.workingtree import WorkingTree
+from bzrlib.delta import compare_trees
+class TestFileInvolved(TestCaseInTempDir):
+    def touch(self,filename):
+        f = file(filename,"a")
+        f.write("appended line\n")
+        f.close( )
+    def merge( self, branch_from, force=False ):
+        from bzrlib.merge_core import ApplyMerge3
+        merge([branch_from,-1],[None,None], merge_type=ApplyMerge3,
+            check_clean=(not force) )
+    def setUp(self):
+        super(TestFileInvolved, self).setUp()
+        # create three branches, and merge it
+        #
+        #           /-->J --->K                (branch2)
+        #          /          \
+        #  A ---> B --->C ---->D               (main)
+        #  \           /      /
+        #   \---> E---/----> F                 (branch1)
+        os.mkdir("main")
+        os.chdir("main")
+        main_branch = Branch.initialize('.')
+        self.build_tree(["a","b","c"])
+        smart_add('.')
+        commit(Branch.open("."), "Commit one", rev_id="rev-A")
+        #-------- end A -----------
+        copy_branch(main_branch,"../branch1")
+        os.chdir("../branch1")
+        #branch1_branch = Branch.open(".")
+        self.build_tree(["d"])
+        smart_add(".")
+        commit(Branch.open("."), "branch1, Commit one", rev_id="rev-E")
+        #-------- end E -----------
+        os.chdir("../main")
+        self.touch("a")
+        commit(Branch.open("."), "Commit two", rev_id="rev-B")
+        #-------- end B -----------
+        copy_branch(Branch.open("."),"../branch2")
+        os.chdir("../branch2")
+        branch2_branch = Branch.open(".")
+        os.chmod("b",0770)
+        commit(Branch.open("."), "branch2, Commit one", rev_id="rev-J")
+        #-------- end J -----------
+        os.chdir("../main")
+        self.merge("../branch1")
+        commit(Branch.open("."), "merge branch1, rev-11", rev_id="rev-C")
+        #-------- end C -----------
+        os.chdir("../branch1")
+        tree = WorkingTree('.', Branch.open("."))
+        tree.rename_one("d","e")
+        commit(Branch.open("."), "branch1, commit two", rev_id="rev-F")
+        #-------- end F -----------
+        os.chdir("../branch2")
+        self.touch("c")
+        smart_add('.')
+        commit(Branch.open("."), "branch2, commit two", rev_id="rev-K")
+        #-------- end K -----------
+        os.chdir("../main")
+        self.touch("b")
+        self.merge("../branch1",force=True)
+        commit(Branch.open("."), "merge branch1, rev-12", rev_id="rev-D")
+        # end D
+        self.merge("../branch2")
+        commit(Branch.open("."), "merge branch1, rev-22",  rev_id="rev-G")
+        # end G
+        os.chdir("../main")
+        self.branch = Branch.open(".")
+    def test_file_involved_all_revs(self):
+        l = self.branch.file_involved( )
+        self.assertEquals( sorted(map( lambda x: x[0], l )), ["a","b","c","d"])
+    def test_file_involved_one_rev(self):
+        l = self.branch.file_involved("rev-B" )
+        self.assertEquals( sorted(map( lambda x: x[0], l )), ["a","b","c"])
+    def test_file_involved_two_revs(self):
+        l = self.branch.file_involved("rev-B","rev-K" )
+        self.assertEquals( sorted(map( lambda x: x[0], l )), ["b","c"])
+        l = self.branch.file_involved("rev-C","rev-D" )
+        self.assertEquals( sorted(map( lambda x: x[0], l )), ["b","d"])
+        l = self.branch.file_involved("rev-C","rev-G" )
+        self.assertEquals( sorted(map( lambda x: x[0], l )), ["b","c","d"])
+        l = self.branch.file_involved("rev-E","rev-G" )
+        self.assertEquals( sorted(map( lambda x: x[0], l )), ["a", "b","c","d"])
+    def test_file_involved_sets(self):
+        l = self.branch.file_involved(set(["rev-B"]))
+        self.assertEquals( sorted(map( lambda x: x[0], l )), ["a"])
+        l = self.branch.file_involved(set(["rev-D"]))
+        self.assertEquals( sorted(map( lambda x: x[0], l )), ["b"])
+    def test_file_involved_compare(self):
+        l1 = self.branch.file_involved("rev-E", "rev-D")
+        l2 = self.branch.file_involved(set(["rev-D","rev-F","rev-C","rev-B"]))
+        self.assertEquals( l1, l2 )
+        l1 = self.branch.file_involved("rev-C", "rev-G")
+        l2 = self.branch.file_involved(
+            set(["rev-G","rev-D","rev-F","rev-K","rev-J"]))
+        self.assertEquals( l1, l2 )
+    def test_file_involved_full_compare(self):
+        from bzrlib.tsort import topo_sort
+        pp=[]
+        history = self.branch.revision_history( )
+        if len(history) < 2: return
+        for start in range(0,len(history)-1):
+            for end in range(start+1,len(history)):
+                l1 = self.branch.file_involved(history[start], history[end])
+                old_tree = self.branch.revision_tree(history[start])
+                new_tree = self.branch.revision_tree(history[end])
+                delta = compare_trees(old_tree, new_tree )
+                l2 = [ id for path, id, kind in delta.added ] + \
+                     [ id for oldpath, newpath, id, kind, text_modified, \
+                            meta_modified in delta.renamed ] + \
+                     [ id for path, id, kind, text_modified, meta_modified in \
+                            delta.modified ]
+                self.assertEquals( l1, set(l2) )
\ No newline at end of file

=== modified file 'bzrlib/tests/__init__.py'
--- bzrlib/tests/__init__.py
+++ bzrlib/tests/__init__.py
@@ -655,7 +655,7 @@
-                   'bzrlib.tests.test_msgeditor',
+                   'bzrlib.tests.test_file_involved',

=== modified file 'bzrlib/tests/test_fetch.py'
--- bzrlib/tests/test_fetch.py
+++ bzrlib/tests/test_fetch.py
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@
         self.assertFalse(has_revision(br_a3, br_a.revision_history()[revno]))
     self.assertEqual(greedy_fetch(br_a3, br_a2, br_a.revision_history()[2])[0], 3)
     fetched = greedy_fetch(br_a3, br_a2, br_a.revision_history()[3])[0]
-    self.assertEquals(fetched, 3, "fetched %d instead of 3" % fetched)
+    self.assertEquals(fetched, 6, "fetched %d instead of 6" % fetched)
     # InstallFailed should be raised if the branch is missing the revision
     # that was requested.
     self.assertRaises(bzrlib.errors.InstallFailed, greedy_fetch, br_a3,

gpg key@ keyserver.linux.it: Goffredo Baroncelli (ghigo) <kreijack_AT_inwind.it>
Key fingerprint = CE3C 7E01 6782 30A3 5B87  87C0 BB86 505C 6B2A CFF9

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