
Martin Pool mbp at
Mon Dec 5 07:56:33 GMT 2005

On  5 Nov 2005, Paul Sladen <ubuntu at> wrote:
> +
> +    * 'bzr mv', 'move', 'rename' unified into a single command with the 
> +      same behavior as Unix mv: if the last parameter is a directory, 
> +      the sources are moved into it; otherwise the single source is 
> +      renamed.  (Paul Sladen)

Here's an update to the new tree; could someone please add tests inside
bzrlib.test.blackbox.test_rename to make sure it works as intended, then
I'll be happy to merge it.

-------------- next part --------------
=== modified file 'NEWS'
--- NEWS	
+++ NEWS	
@@ -1,4 +1,11 @@
+    * 'bzr mv', 'move', 'rename' unified into a single command with the 
+      same behavior as Unix mv: if the last parameter is a directory, 
+      the sources are moved into it; otherwise the single source is 
+      renamed.  (Paul Sladen)

=== modified file 'bzrlib/'
--- bzrlib/	
+++ bzrlib/	
@@ -282,71 +282,47 @@
                 print path
-class cmd_move(Command):
-    """Move files to a different directory.
-    examples:
-        bzr move *.txt doc
-    The destination must be a versioned directory in the same branch.
-    """
-    takes_args = ['source$', 'dest']
-    def run(self, source_list, dest):
-        tree, source_list = tree_files(source_list)
+class cmd_rename(Command):
+    """Move or rename a file.
+    usage as rename:
+        bzr rename oldname.c newname.c
+        bzr rename src/frob.c lib/tickle.cpp
+    usage as move:
+        bzr rename fred.c fred.h directory/
+        bzr rename *.c *.h *.exe ../new/location/
+    If there are two or more arguments, and the last argument is a versioned
+    directory, the preceding names are moved into that directory.  Otherwise,
+    there must be exactly two arguments and the file is changed to a new name,
+    which must not already exist.
+    """
+    # NOTES: 'rename', 'move' and 'mv' were all combined into a single
+    # command called 'rename' with the symantics of Unix 'mv'.
+    # TODO: This takes_args gives the help text "bzr: ERROR: command
+    # 'rename' needs one or more SOURCES" when it should give
+    # "bzr: ERROR: command 'rename' requires a DESTINATION"
+    # FIXED in so that 'foo$' does the Right Thing(tm)
+    takes_args = ['sources$', 'destination']
+    aliases = ['move', 'mv']
+    def run(self, sources_list, destination):
         # TODO: glob expansion on windows?
-        tree.move(source_list, tree.relpath(dest))
-class cmd_rename(Command):
-    """Change the name of an entry.
-    examples:
-      bzr rename frob.c frobber.c
-      bzr rename src/frob.c lib/frob.c
-    It is an error if the destination name exists.
-    See also the 'move' command, which moves files into a different
-    directory without changing their name.
-    """
-    # TODO: Some way to rename multiple files without invoking 
-    # bzr for each one?"""
-    takes_args = ['from_name', 'to_name']
-    def run(self, from_name, to_name):
-        tree, (from_name, to_name) = tree_files((from_name, to_name))
-        tree.rename_one(from_name, to_name)
-class cmd_mv(Command):
-    """Move or rename a file.
-    usage:
-        bzr mv OLDNAME NEWNAME
-        bzr mv SOURCE... DESTINATION
-    If the last argument is a versioned directory, all the other names
-    are moved into it.  Otherwise, there must be exactly two arguments
-    and the file is changed to a new name, which must not already exist.
-    Files cannot be moved between branches.
-    """
-    takes_args = ['names*']
-    def run(self, names_list):
-        if len(names_list) < 2:
-            raise BzrCommandError("missing file argument")
-        tree, rel_names = tree_files(names_list)
-        if os.path.isdir(names_list[-1]):
-            # move into existing directory
-            for pair in tree.move(rel_names[:-1], rel_names[-1]):
+        # Error checking is now handled in with '$' arguments
+        tree, rel_names = tree_files(sources_list)
+        if os.path.isdir(destination):
+            # move into existing versioned directory
+            for pair in tree.move(rel_names[:], tree.relpath(destination)):
                 print "%s => %s" % pair
-            if len(names_list) != 2:
-                raise BzrCommandError('to mv multiple files the destination '
+            if len(sources_list) != 1:
+                raise BzrCommandError('to move multiple files into a new location, the destination '
                                       'must be a versioned directory')
-            tree.rename_one(rel_names[0], rel_names[1])
-            print "%s => %s" % (rel_names[0], rel_names[1])
+            tree.rename_one(rel_names[0], destination)
+            print "%s => %s" % (rel_names[0], destination)
 class cmd_pull(Command):

=== modified file 'bzrlib/'
--- bzrlib/	
+++ bzrlib/	
@@ -385,7 +385,7 @@
     # step through args and takes_args, allowing appropriate 0-many matches
     for ap in takes_args:
         argname = ap[:-1]
-        if ap[-1] == '?':
+        if ap[-1] == '?': # zero or one (optional)
             if args:
                 argdict[argname] = args.pop(0)
         elif ap[-1] == '*': # all remaining arguments
@@ -394,21 +394,31 @@
                 args = []
                 argdict[argname + '_list'] = None
-        elif ap[-1] == '+':
+        elif ap[-1] == '+': # one or more, all remaining arguments
             if not args:
                 raise BzrCommandError("command %r needs one or more %s"
                         % (cmd, argname.upper()))
                 argdict[argname + '_list'] = args[:]
                 args = []
-        elif ap[-1] == '$': # all but one
-            if len(args) < 2:
+        elif ap[-1] == '$': # one or more, all but the last one
+            # Passed in:         Error required:
+            # 0:                 NEEDS ONE OR MORE _THIS_
+            # 1: this            NEEDS _THAT_   (achieve by fall-through)
+            # 2: this that       FINE
+            # 3: this this that  FINE
+            if len(args) < 1: 
                 raise BzrCommandError("command %r needs one or more %s"
                         % (cmd, argname.upper()))
-            argdict[argname + '_list'] = args[:-1]
-            args[:-1] = []                
-        else:
-            # just a plain arg
+	    if len(args) == 1:
+		# Falls through so that the last argument errors
+		argdict[argname + '_list'] = args[:]
+		args[:] = []
+	    else:
+		argdict[argname + '_list'] = args[:-1]
+		args[:-1] = []
+        else: # just a plain arg
             argname = ap
             if not args:
                 raise BzrCommandError("command %r requires argument %s"

=== modified file 'bzrlib/'
--- bzrlib/	
+++ bzrlib/	
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
   bzr add            make files or directories versioned
   bzr ignore         ignore a file or pattern
-  bzr mv             move or rename a versioned file
+  bzr rename         move or rename a versioned file
   bzr status         summarize changes in working copy
   bzr diff           show detailed diffs

=== modified file 'contrib/zsh/_bzr'
--- contrib/zsh/_bzr	
+++ contrib/zsh/_bzr	
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@
-    (rename|mv)
+    (rename|move|mv)
         if (( CURRENT == 2 )); then
             _arguments $helpArgs '*:old name:_versionedFiles'
@@ -263,14 +263,6 @@
         '--versioned[Print versioned files]'
-    (move)
-        if (( CURRENT == 2 )); then
-            _arguments $helpArgs '*:files:_versionedFiles'
-        else
-            _arguments '*:destination dir:_files -/'
-        fi
-    ;;
         _bzr_subcommands=(${(f)"$(_call_program bzr bzr shell-complete)"})
         _arguments $helpArgs \

-------------- next part --------------
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