Refactoring of Exceptions

Martin Pool mbp at
Mon Dec 5 06:59:06 GMT 2005

On  1 Dec 2005, John A Meinel <john at> wrote:
> I just committed a change on my integration branch which refactors some
> of the NoSuchFile, FileExists, etc exceptions.
> While I was working on the win32 changes, I was getting some unhelpful
> exceptions, so I decided to refactor them. Now they are BzrNewErrors,
> and all of them give a path, as well as giving the original exception, etc.
> It also means that "osutils.relpath" now raises PathNotChild rather than
> raising NotBranchError().
> Which meant I found a few places that were catching the wrong exception
> (NoSuchFile used to be a child of IOError, etc).

Great, thanks.  I'll be pulling in your win32 branch shortly.

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