ssh agent support

Robey Pointer robey at
Sun Dec 4 19:40:27 GMT 2005

On 2 Dec 2005, at 13:57, John A Meinel wrote:

> Robey Pointer wrote:
>> On 1 Dec 2005, at 12:00, John A Meinel wrote:
>>> Paramiko expects to be able to create a socket.AF_UNIX socket,  
>>> even on
>>> windows. Specifically in the paramiko.Agent() code.
>> It looks like it only tries to do that if you have "SSH_AUTH_SOCK"
>> defined in your environment.  Is that actually set in your env on
>> windows?  (Why?) :)
> I use SSH_AUTH_SOCK under cygwin, but when I run the windows native  
> bzr,
> the env var is still around.

Aha, okay.  I think I added something to paramiko 1.5.2 so that it  
won't get confused by that.

>>> Of course, long term it would be nice if paramiko supported Putty's
>>> pagent
>> I was looking at this the other day -- looks pretty hard.  I got  
>> the C
>> source for talking to pagent on Windows, but it's using some very
>> Windows-specific wackiness, which would be impossible for me to test,
>> even if it has equivalent API exposed to python.  (I don't have a
>> Windows box.)
>> I was hoping to adapt something from conch, because someone said they
>> implemented pagent support, but that turned out not to be true.
>> If any Windows person wants to send me a patch, I'll probably include
>> it.  I certainly couldn't prove it *doesn't* work! ;)
> It isn't terribly important for me yet. I'm looking at switching to
> windows native because the performance is a lot better (not having  
> to go
> through the cygwin abstraction).
> If I ever get the executable bit fix in, and maybe some other stuff, I
> might start using it, in which case I would care.
> Can you post a location where to find the sources in case I want to  
> come
> back and look at it?

I forgot who sent it to me originally -- whoever it was, thank you! :)

I reposted it here:


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