FTP push failure...

John A Meinel john at arbash-meinel.com
Sat Dec 3 17:38:26 GMT 2005

Magnus Therning wrote:
> On Fri, Dec 02, 2005 at 08:30:22AM -0600, John A Meinel wrote:
>> Magnus Therning wrote:
>>> On Fri, Dec 02, 2005 at 10:15:50AM +0000, Daniel Silverstone wrote:
>>>> On Fri, 2005-12-02 at 00:47 +0000, Magnus Therning wrote:
>>>>> Is it curently broken?
>>>> It's possible :-)
>>> Sad to hear that...
>>>> There is a small number of FTP fixes in my branch (along with other
>>>> stuff so don't merge it blindly, mostly 'missing' fixes from aaron
>>>> really) at http://bzr.digital-scurf.org/trees/dsilvers/bzr.dsilvers
>>>> Try that and see if it helps.
>>> Before embarking on that path I'd like to try something else. (Mostly
>>> because I haven't done anything like it before and I'm likely to mess up
>>> a few times. :-)
>>> I always thought a branch is a branch is a branch in bzr. If I can use
>>> rsync to mirror a local branch I ought to be able to use lftp to do the
>>> same, right?
>> You should be able to.
> The error I get is:
>  % bzr branch http://therning.org/magnus_bzr/epilicious
>  bzr: ERROR: HTTP Error 406: Not Acceptable
>    command: '/home/magnus/bin/bzr' 'branch' 'http://therning.org/magnus_bzr/epilicious'
>        pwd: u'/home/magnus/prog/tmp'
>      error: urllib2.HTTPError
>    at /usr/lib/python2.4/urllib2.py line 480, in http_error_default()
>    see ~/.bzr.log for debug information
> Any pointers on how to resolve it?
> /M

Can you post the last portion of your bzr log?

It seems like bzr is saying something like: "Give me this file, and I
will accept it in these formats." And the server says "I don't have it
in that format".
For example if bzr requests "text/plain", and the server only has

I'm guessing it is just a misconfiguration of therning.org's web server.

I also think we should start logging a little bit more at exception time.

For example:
  f = get_url(url)
except Stuff, e:
  mutter('caught an exception for %r', url)
  if e.code == 404:
    raise FileNotFound....
  raise e

Because I think most errors don't contain enough information about what
you were trying to do.

I'll look into it a bit because I can reproduce the error here. But that
really makes me think it is the fault of the server, not bzr.


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