Don't use shutil.move instead of osutils.rename

Alexander Belchenko bialix at
Fri Dec 2 21:38:44 GMT 2005

John A Meinel пишет:
> Have you had a chance to try my latest win32 branch? I fixed everything
> so that all of the tests pass, though now it reports everything with
> forward slashes. (And I haven't worked around the executable bit yet).
> I would be happy to hear your feedback on the subject.

Well, I'm just pulling your win32 branch and start to test it.

I have 1 failing tests:

ERROR: test_returns_output (bzrlib.tests.test_gpg.TestCommandLine)

log from this test:

Traceback (most recent call last):
line 52, in test_returns_output
     my_gpg.sign("some content\nwith newlines\n"))
   File "E:\work\Python\bzr\win32-meinel-20051202\bzrlib\", line
77, in sign
     raise errors.SigningFailed(self._command_line())
SigningFailed: Failed to gpg sign data with command '['cat', '-']'

Ran 526 tests in 84.219s

FAILED (errors=1)

This test fails because on my machine does not have `cat` utility. Do
you can suggest me where I can download win32 port of `cat`?


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