sftp bugs

Robert Collins robertc at robertcollins.net
Fri Dec 2 04:32:33 GMT 2005

On Thu, 2005-12-01 at 12:11 -0800, Robey Pointer wrote:

> Not necessarily.  I tried to explain this in an email yesterday but  
> probably just confused the issue. :)
> Basically, all SFTP says is that the path can be absolute or  
> relative.  It doesn't say relative to what.  OpenSSH chooses to make  
> it relative to your home folder, because that's convenient, and it  
> knows you have a home folder.  A dedicated standalone SFTP server may  
> not be using unix shell accounts for authentication, so you may not  
> even have a home folder.  It might make paths relative to your  
> project folder, or an arbitrary folder that it thinks is convenient.
> It may be hard to imagine right now, since almost all SFTP servers  
> are OpenSSH based, but I know of at least two all-python standalone  
> SFTP servers, so in the future we're probably going to see more SFTP  
> URLs where your authentication is not backed by a unix shell account  
> or home folder.

That makes sense to me. So the question is:

is sftp://host//absolute/path
is sftp://host/absolute/path

more useful?

For HTTP, FTP, and File:// urls the latter syntax is used: the
presumption is that all resources on the filesystem have the same
location *regardless* of user credentials.

I think that this is easier to debug and easier to understand than URL's
where the resource location randomly changes if the credentials change.


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