[PATCH] Re: [new] diffstat plugin

Wouter van Heyst larstiq at larstiq.dyndns.org
Thu Dec 1 17:21:13 GMT 2005

> > It doesn't accept revision parameters: bzr ds -r5..8 fails.
> ...but after some minor hacking it does:

The patch below uses a slightly different approach, bzrlib/builtins.py cmd_diff
matches the style Wouter used, is that a recommended bzr coding style?

While testing if it still worked, I noticed some difference between
external and internal diffstat:

    newie%~/.bazaar/plugins/diffstat> bzr diff -r -2.. | diffstat
     __init__.py |   29 --------------------
     diffstat.py |   87 ------------------------------------------------------------
     2 files changed, 116 deletions(-)
    newie%~/.bazaar/plugins/diffstat> bzr ds -r -2..
     diffstat.py | 87 +-------------------------------------------
     __init__.py | 29 +--------------
     2 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 116 deletions(-)

How important is trying to achieve the exact same output?

Wouter van Heyst
-------------- next part --------------
=== modified file '__init__.py'
--- __init__.py	
+++ __init__.py	
@@ -6,8 +6,9 @@
 class cmd_diffstat(bzrlib.commands.Command):
     """diffstat - show stats about changes to the working tree"""
     takes_args = ['file*']
+    takes_options = ['revision']
     aliases = ['ds']
-    def run(self, file_list=None):
+    def run(self, revision=None, file_list=None):
         from diffstat import DiffStat
         from bzrlib.branch import Branch
         from StringIO import StringIO
@@ -21,7 +22,15 @@
         b = Branch.open_containing(location)[0]
         out = StringIO()
-        show_diff(b, None, specific_files=file_list, output=out)
+        if not revision:
+            revs = [None, None]
+        elif len(revision) == 1:
+            revs = revision + [None]
+        elif len(revision) == 2:
+            revs = revision
+        show_diff(b, from_spec=revs[0], revision2=revs[1], specific_files=file_list, output=out)
         ds = str(DiffStat(out.readlines()))
         if len(ds):

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