.bzr vs _bzr etc

Jari Aalto jari.aalto at cante.net
Thu Dec 1 05:52:54 GMT 2005

Martin Pool <mbp at sourcefrog.net> writes:

| On 19 Nov 2005, David Clymer <david at zettazebra.com> wrote:
| > Would it be possible to support both _bzr and .bzr? In other words, have
| > bzr use the first one it finds, perhaps adding a switch to bzr init to
| > allow the user to specify one or the other prefix. It could default to
| > _bzr on windows and .bzr on *nix.
| Yes, it would be possible and I think we will end up doing that.

NOTE: Win32/Cygwin people prefer .bzr, so before making "_bzr" default
under windows needs to check environment variable CYGWIN first.


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