[PATCH] Re: any more sftp fixes?

James Henstridge james at jamesh.id.au
Thu Dec 1 01:53:19 GMT 2005

Matthieu Moy wrote:

>Moreover, in relpath(self, abspath) too, abspath does not necessarily
>contain a port number, so _split_url might return None for the port.
>The patch also fixes this by setting the port to 22 in _split_url()
>instead of _parse_url(). That seems to be sufficient for me.
The existing behaviour where self._port is None if no port was set in
the URL is intentional.  The _paramiko_connect() method should then
treat a port number of None as 22.  The current bzr.dev tree handles
this okay:

            t = paramiko.Transport((self._host, self._port or 22))

In the non-paramiko case, if the port is None then no port is specified
on the ssh command line.  Explicitly passing a port number will override
the setting in ~/.ssh/config (some people run an ssh server on an
alternative port for some services).


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