tla ancestry with bzr ?

John Arbash Meinel john at
Tue Nov 29 17:50:29 GMT 2005

Belmar-Letelier wrote:
> John Arbash Meinel a écrit :
>>Belmar-Letelier wrote:
>>>Aaron Bentley a écrit :
>>>>Belmar-Letelier wrote:
>>>>>>What is tha bzr way to do the following with tla ?
>>>>In tla, there's a mandatory namespace, and branches have strong
>>>>identities.  Bzr doesn't need that.  Branches are referred to by their
>>>>location, and branch nicks, and branch names, are merely hints.  When
>>>>you create a branch of another branch in bzr, the numbers don't restart.
>>>>So if there were a "bzr ancestry", you'd always get something like:
>>>>$bzr ancestry
>>>>1447 .. 1
>>>>You'd never get something like this:
>>>>$bzr ancestry
>>>>45 .. 1
>>>>1447 .. 1
>>>>In bzr, the log command serves much the same purpose.  There's also the
>>>>bzrk plugin, which draws pretty pictures of a branch's ancestry.
>>>>>>$ cd my_proj--main--0.1
>>>>>>$ tla tree-version
>>>Here is my use case in tla
>>>$ tla tag -S friend at proj--luis--0.1
>>>$ tla get proj--luis--0.1 proj--luis--0.1
>>>$ cd proj--luis--0.1
>>>... work on it, commit ...
>>>some time later I came back on
>>>$ cd proj--luis--0.1
>>>I do not remenber from who this branch came from so I use
>>>$ tla ancestry
>>>I found : friend at
>>>So I can check what's new
>>>$ tla missing -sD friend at
>>>I can read the missing logs summary
>>>An then I can star-merge and commit ...
>>>How to realise this usecase with bzr today ?
>>In general, you usually have a parent of a branch. That was the one that
>>you first branched/pulled/merged/etc from.
>>It is stored in .bzr/parent
>>I don't think we ever created a command to show this to the user, though
>>we probably should.
>>But it is the default for all pull/merge/etc commands. So if you do:
>>bzr branch http://other local
>>cd local
>><hack hack commit hack hack etc>
>>bzr merge # This will default to http://other
>>Does that help you?
> Thank's that help me.
> But who can you check what's new ?
> This is an important step (the tla missing), we have to
> know what's new before to take it or not.
> The -s option give the short summary of each commit.

Well, you can just do "bzr missing"
Which prints out the logs of everything which is missing.

It probably should also allow "bzr missing --short" for the short format
of the logs.


> Here an exemple
> $ cd ikaaro--luis--0.14
> $ tla missing -s jdavid at
> patch-135
>     comment unused code on WebSite
> patch-136
>     speed up "Folder.on_set_handler"
> patch-137
>     fix versioning
> patch-138
>     signal performance problem
> ...
> Luis

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