[rfc] Windows Installer for bzr

Alexander Belchenko bialix at ukr.net
Tue Nov 29 09:14:20 GMT 2005

Bob Tanner пишет:
> Alexander Belchenko wrote:
>>In the december I plan to post to the list statistic of the site
>>bzr.onembedding.com. Short summary is: people very interested in windows
>>installer, because this file was downloaded 3 times more than src archive.
> Why not deploy bzr as a python .egg? 

Interesting question. I think may be because eggs oriented to distribute
library components vs complete application. Probably I'm wrong.

Compiling bzrlib as egg is possible, I think. But I'm not dig deeply in
setuptools, so I can't play with eggs at this moment. May be in the future.


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