merge vs pull (was What we did at UBZ)

Jan Hudec bulb at
Mon Nov 28 21:30:54 GMT 2005

On Mon, Nov 28, 2005 at 14:00:35 -0500, James Blackwell wrote:
> Why again do we need this update/merge button on the tool? If bzr can
> figure it out for me, then why do I need to know about it at all?  Since
> ease of use is one of bzr's claims to fame, then it makes sense to yank
> this button out and have the tool make the determination. This leaves bzr
> open for newer people that don't have a posteri knowledge. :)

Ok, so let's imagine we have just one command...

Q: And why do I sometimes need to commit after pull and sometimes not?

						 Jan 'Bulb' Hudec <bulb at>
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