(fwd) bzr shelve feedback

Bardur Arantsson spam at scientician.net
Sat Nov 26 19:49:33 GMT 2005

Michael Ellerman wrote:
> Hi Brad,
> I'm happy to accept suggestions to make the UI for shelve more intuitive, I 
> agree the current messages probably aren't very useful. I also plan to make 
> shelve default to shelving everything without prompting, with a flag to get 
> the hunk selection behaviour. I just haven't thought of a good name for the 
> flag, --pick, --select, --hunks ??

How about --prompt? Or maybe --interactive (-i)?


Bardur Arantsson
<bardurREMOVE at THISimada.sdu.dk>
<bardurREMOVE at THISscientician.net>

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