(fwd) bzr shelve feedback
Brad Bollenbach
brad.bollenbach at gmail.com
Thu Nov 24 15:53:41 GMT 2005
On 24-Nov-05, at 9:19 AM, Aaron Bentley wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Meta-comment:
> If you want to discuss what bzr shelve/unshelve should be like, it
> would
> be much better to post to the list. The only bug I see is
> documentation. The rest is in the eye of the beholder.
Is it reasonable to assume that a bzr user would be subscribed to and
involved in the bzr mailing list?
I don't want to be a bzr expert (particularly not for the things that
must be simple), I want it to Just Work.
Meanwhile though, I feel like I'm making my contribution by reporting
in Malone what I think are bugs, based on what I bump into as a brand
new bzr user.
> And since shelve/unshelve are part of the bzrtools plugin, not bzr,
> it's
> not appropriate to file a bug against bzr.
Like most new bzr users, I have no idea about this distinction. :) To
be honest, I'm not really interested in caring about this distinction
either. (This reminds me of the time that we accidentally expected
Launchpad users to distinguish "Soyuz" from "Launchpad" when filing
bugs. :)
> Martin Pool wrote:
>> 1. Why is it called bzr shelve? I'm human, I'm very familiar with
>> the idea of "undo/redo". "shelve", though it may align well to
>> some
>> dictionarily precise definition, does not fit the goal my brain
>> formulates: I want to undo the changes I've made. Or I want to
>> redo
>> what I undid. Period.
> Unfortunately, there is no bzr tool that does what you described.
> "Undo", as implemented by virtually all applications, undoes the last
> operation performed. So "bzr commit; bzr undo" would undo the commit.
> We don't support that yet, but I'd like to take a crack at it after
> the
> stable release.
I used to use undo quite happily in baz. The fact that it's been
removed from bzr makes it a bit hard not to complain.
I can live with learning a new word, if the interface helps me kick
ass. The apparent equivalent, shelve, makes my life harder. I learn
now that it's not actually the equivalent, but that doesn't stop us
recent baz -> bzr converts from thinking of it that way when there's
no other alternative (that I've found out about, in any case.)
At UBZ, I did get some nods from the bzr guys (you and mpool, IIRC)
about renaming shelve to undo. :)
In slightly over a year of working on Malone, though I've used baz
undo many times, I was never particularly bothered by not being able
to pick things apart hunk by hunk.
>> 4. "Shelve these changes, or restart? [yrsiq?] (y)"
>> This question reads a bit to me like "Are you happy with these
>> changes or do you want to erase you entire hard drive? [Yn]"
> This is a prompt to accept the current hunk selections
That much was clear to me, but the effect of "y" is about as clear to
me as the example question I gave.
>> I'm pretty confident that "y" is associated with "yes", but I
>> find
>> the wording of this question ambiguous. "Shelve these changes?
>> [yrsiq?] (y)" would be an improvement, IMHO.
> Your options at that point are
> ? - show help
> y - proceed to shelve selected changes.
> r - restart the hunk selection loop.
> s - show status of hunks.
> i - invert the current selection of all hunks.
> q - quit
Yep, I inferred that hitting "?" shows me this. I just hoped the
interface would be so simple that reading help wouldn't be necessary.
> I would say it's most important for the user to know that they can
> 1. continue
> 2. re-select their hunks
I'm only reporting the confusion this question fed me my first couple
of times reading it.
I appreciate that your perspective on this question, as a baz/bzr
implementor, is different. :)
Here's a second example of how I think that question might be made
"Shelve these changes (y), or restart (r)? [yrsiq?] (y)"
Brad Bollenbach
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