What we did at UBZ

Daniel Schömer daniel.schoemer at gmx.net
Thu Nov 17 11:17:38 GMT 2005


Erik Bågfors wrote:
>> FWIW, I like _bzr.  It's enough to say "I'm special!";
>> it's going overboard to make it hidden.
> This seams to be a common question over at the darcs mailinglist.
> Some people like that it's named _darcs, some people want it to be
> renamed .darcs (I think it can be today?).  Some people do not want to
> see it because it's something that you should never mess around with
> while others don't like that you don't show that this directory is
> handled by darcs.
> [...]

Would it be an option to make bzr use .bzr/ or _bzr/ depending on
a user's choise?

I'm thinking about something like

  The factory default is .bzr/ (maybe _bzr/ on Windows/non-UNIX).
  The user is able to overwrite this default and can choose
  between .bzr/ and _bzr/ in some config-file.

  If bzr needs to access .bzr/ or _bzr/, it first looks if
  a directory with the default name exists.  If not, it tries the
  other possible name.  On "bzr init", the default is used (maybe
  init gets an option to let the user choose).

There is one pitfall: what if both, .bzr/ and _bzr/ exist?
Should this be treated as error?

Daniel Schömer
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