small patch for sftp urls

Alexander Belchenko bialix at
Thu Nov 17 08:05:45 GMT 2005

Robey Pointer пишет:
> 2. Revision XML files are stored in UTF-8 (sorta...) but decoded into  
> Latin-1.  I tried digging into this but was unable to figure it out.   
> I'm starting to believe that the way we store unicode data:
> <message>[erik b&#195;&#165;gfors]
> .... is actually incorrect.  I don't know much about XML, though.   Does 
> it maybe want non-entity literal UTF-8 there?  Does it want the  special 
> <?xml encoding?> tag that we never write?  Deep questions.

There is small bug in post-processing of commit message from external 
editor. This message not decoded to unicode and stored as is with 
ampersend-codes. Right now I'm working on this.

All other kind of commit messages decoded to unicode and stored in xml 
as utf-8 (as I see).


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