How to get the diff between two arbitrary remote revisions?

John A Meinel john at
Wed Nov 16 14:04:27 GMT 2005

Aaron Bentley wrote:
> Jan Hudec wrote:


> If you commit.  I often do test merges into into Robert's or Martin's
> branches, and then pull them out without committing.  And of course,
> repository-based branches will have access to many unrelated branches.

You know, it seems saying "archive branch" is easier than "repository
branch", maybe it's the extra syllable, or maybe just familiarity.
I'll probably get used to it.
I thought it kind of cute that are basic objects were:

So it was the ABC's of bzr.
Anyway, I digress. There are other reasons to use the term repository,
which I generally agree with.


> Aaron

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