[BUG] HTTPError instance has no attribute 'errno'

Robey Pointer robey at lag.net
Wed Nov 16 04:41:57 GMT 2005

On 15 Nov 2005, at 18:05, Aaron Bentley wrote:

> Alexander Belchenko wrote:
> | "exception HTTPError
> |    A subclass of URLError, it can also function as a non-exceptional
> | file-like return value (the same thing that urlopen() returns).  
> This is
> | useful when handling exotic HTTP errors, such as requests for
> | authentication."
> | Well, I'm definitely got "exotic HTTP error", probably John know how
> | much exotic?
> Strangely, I only get boring connection timeouts from John's branch.
> It's stupid that they claim to be a subclass of IOError without an  
> errno
> member, but I guess we should just throw in an extra hasattr:

I'm not tremendously surprised; I'd never heard of the "errno"  
attribute of IOError until reading about it on this list. :)  It's  
not in the python docs here either:


Is it doc'd somewhere else?


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