How to get the diff between two arbitrary remote revisions?

Matthieu Moy Matthieu.Moy at
Tue Nov 15 20:11:48 GMT 2005

Robey Pointer <robey at> writes:

> I really think -r should only refer to revisions, not branches, just
> to avoid this kind of confusion.  What's so terrible about 'bzr diff'
> optionally taking two arguments? :)

How do you

  bzr diff -r revno:3:/path/to/branch..revno:3:/path/to/other/branch

with only two arguments ?

To do that, you'd need

  bzr diff -r 3..3 --branch-of-the-first-3 /path/to/branch \
                   --branch-of-the-second-3 /path/to/other/branch

And the problem is not only with "diff". Almost any command taking a
-r argument may want to access a remote revision. At least "cat" (and
the "log" command mentionned earlier) make sense on a remote revison.
OTOH, "diff" is the only case which come to my mind where it makes
sense to specify two revisions in two branches in a range.

The big advantage of a solution using one identifier to identify a
revision (whether it's revno:X:path or path;revno=X) is that this
identifier can be used in many places (cut-and-paste-able from a mail,
clickable on a web interface, ...) other than the command-line.


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