Unexpected behavor in branch and push...

Alexey Shamrin shamrin at gmail.com
Tue Nov 15 11:46:47 GMT 2005

On 15/11/05, Erik Bågfors <zindar at gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm suprised to find that "bzr branch branchname sftp://host/path"
> doesn't work. Instead I can, in "branchname" run "bzr push
> sftp://host/path".
> I was expecting push to only be able to push to an already existing branch.

... I find it acceptable for "bzr push" to create a branch if needed.
For example, currently I use "bzr push" as a backup mechanism. When I
tried it for a first time it just worked. This is the nice thing about

> The same actually happens locally.  If I do "bzr push ../newbranch"
> that works.  But if I do "bzr pull ../oldbranch" I get a
> bzrlib.errors.NotBranchError back.
> I think that "bzr push" should work like "bzr pull" and "bzr branch"
> should work with remote storage.


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