Bound branch implementation

Erik Bågfors zindar at
Mon Nov 14 15:40:51 GMT 2005

> I thought that bind might already be doing that last push. I know if you
> have regular commits, and there are no remote changes, then the bind
> will push them. But it may not be smart enough to handle a merged change
> yet.
> That would make it:
> $ bzr bind
> Cannot bind, you must merge first
> $ bzr merge
> $ bzr commit -m "merge"
> $ bzr bind

This was exactly what I wrote and proposed :)

And THIS time when I try it, it works.  Maybe it worked all along, I
just assumed the message
bzr: ERROR: These branches have diverged. Try merging, and then push
the change to the remote branch.

Meant I needed to push before bind.

> Yes, we could have bind run merge if it fails, but I don't prefer having
> bind modify my working tree. That is why we have merge. And certainly I
> don't want it to commit the merge until I've looked over it.


This is just SO excellent.


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