Scope of operations

Robert Collins robertc at
Sun Nov 13 18:50:00 GMT 2005

On Sun, 2005-10-23 at 14:14 -0400, Aaron Bentley wrote:

> You say 'internals', but this all sounds like UI stuff to me.  Commit,
> log and revert can all operate on particular files anyhow.

Yes they can. By internals I mean that we internally operate on full
tree snapshots, but that the end user often is working with many related
modules in one 'tree', and *their* intent may well be to commit 'this
dir down' *more often* than it is to 'commit this whole tree'.

> I don't understand the mention of annotate, since it does not work on
> the tree, only on files.

Oh, I was thinking of the baz annotate that operates on trees.

> Maybe "commit ." should commit just the local directory, or maybe it
> should be just "commit", but it's a UI issue as far as I can tell.

Indeed, it is a UI issue.


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