[PATCH] Add zip format to export command

Goffredo Baroncelli kreijack at alice.it
Sun Nov 13 00:34:23 GMT 2005

On Saturday 12 November 2005 17:14, you (Alexander Belchenko) wrote:
> Goffredo Baroncelli wrote:
> > the patch below add the zip format to the export command. 
> It's funny. I'm already do similar job for my Windows version. But in
> the end I decide to move zip exporter in to plugin. You can find my
> plugin here:
> http://bzr.onembedding.com/bzr.win/plugins/index.htm

Good idea implementing the zip format exporter as plugin.

I read your code, and I think that it can be simplified removing the class
cmd_zip_export, and using the classic command bzr export
Moreover I added the support for empty directory, and symlink. The symlinks 
are simulated creating a file with a .lnk extension which contains the
link [ but there will be some problems if you have a link and a file ending 
in .lnk with the same name  .... ]

ghigo at therra:~/bazaar/bzr.dev$ ./bzr plugins
        Zip exporter

ghigo at therra:~/bazaar/test$ ls -l empty-dir/
total 0
ghigo at therra:~/bazaar/test$ ls -l link-to-dir*
lrwxrwxrwx  1 ghigo ghigo 4 2005-10-31 18:47 link-to-dir -> dirb

ghigo at therra:~/bazaar/test$ ../bzr.dev/bzr export --format zip /tmp/test.zip
ghigo at therra:~/bazaar/test$ unzip -l /tmp/test.zip
Archive:  /tmp/test.zip
  Length     Date   Time    Name
 --------    ----   ----    ----
        0  11-13-05 01:19   test/empty-dir/
        4  11-13-05 01:19   test/link-to-dir.lnk
 --------                   -------
       72                   12 files

> For me the bad thing about zip format is no support for unicode names.
> I'm thinking about use additional command line options for specify
> filename encoding for non-ascii file names. It may be useful for some
> cases when user definitely know what file encodings is. Something like this:
> bzr zip-export --fe=cp866 dest.zip
>                 ^^^^ this is file name encoding option
> Another limitation -- no symlink or empty directory support (latter only
> limitation of python zipfile library) -- probably main reason why zip is
> not included into mainline bzr.dev.

The symlink is a more general problem: we need a way to convert a 
symlink into a generic file for the OS which doesn't support symlink. 
Think about a unix repository handled by a windows system... And also we 
need a way to convert a file.lnk in a symlink...
The zip export is a more simple case.

Filename encoding is a mess; even tough you know which encoding is at the export 
phase, you don't will know the encoding at the unzip phase...

> Alexander


# (c) Alexander Belchenko, 2005
# - 2005-11-13: Goffredo Baroncelli <kreijack AT inwind DOT it>
#          add support for fake symlink and empty directory

Zip exporter 

import os
from bzrlib.errors import BzrError
from bzrlib.tree import exporters

def zip_exporter(tree, dest, root):
    """ Export this tree to a new zip file.

    `dest` will be created holding the contents of this tree; if it
    already exists, it will be overwritten".
    import time
    import zipfile
    from bzrlib.trace import mutter

    now = time.localtime()[:6]
    mutter('export version %r' % tree)

    compression = zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED
    zipf = zipfile.ZipFile(dest, "w", compression)

    inv = tree.inventory

        for dp, ie in inv.iter_entries():

            file_id = ie.file_id
            mutter("  export {%s} kind %s to %s" % (file_id, ie.kind, dest))

            if ie.kind == "file": 
                zinfo = zipfile.ZipInfo(
                            filename=str(os.path.join(root, dp)),
                zinfo.compress_type = compression
                zipf.writestr(zinfo, tree.get_file_text(file_id))
            elif ie.kind == "directory":
                zinfo = zipfile.ZipInfo(
                            filename=str(os.path.join(root, dp)+os.sep),
                zinfo.compress_type = compression
            elif ie.kind == "symlink":
                zinfo = zipfile.ZipInfo(
                            filename=str(os.path.join(root, dp+".lnk")),
                zinfo.compress_type = compression
                zipf.writestr(zinfo, ie.symlink_target)


    except UnicodeEncodeError:
        raise BzrError("Can't export non-ascii filenames to zip")

exporters['zip'] = zip_exporter

gpg key@ keyserver.linux.it: Goffredo Baroncelli (ghigo) <kreijack @ inwind . it>
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