baz-import does not record Arch merges

Robey Pointer robey at
Fri Nov 11 18:10:58 GMT 2005

On 11 Nov 2005, at 7:22, John A Meinel wrote:

> What is really freaky, is that when I use a colon, it shows up in  
> finder
> using a forward slash. And when I change the name of something in the
> finder to use a forward slash, I get a colon. (Right now I have a file
> "foo/a" in finder, and "foo:a" according to ls).

Not that freaky. :)  Posix says a filename can contain any byte but  
\x00 and '/', and on MacOS, '/' was legal in filenames but ':' was  
the folder separator in paths.  So it's an obvious direct mapping to  
keep compatibility.

I like being able to use "/" in filenames but I wish they'd allowed  
":" too. :)


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