Importing a CVS repository

John A Meinel john at
Mon Nov 7 16:24:55 GMT 2005

Jo Vermeulen wrote:
> On Mon, 2005-11-07 at 11:02 -0500, John A Meinel wrote:
>> Jo Vermeulen wrote:
>>> On Mon, 2005-11-07 at 10:33 -0500, Martin Pool wrote:
>>>> Jo Vermeulen wrote:
> <snip output/>
>> This at least seems to be a correct upgrade. What were the actual bugs
>> that you were getting that caused the upgrade to be unusable?
> -----------------
> jo at jvermeulen:~/Desktop/$ bzr status
> bzr: ERROR: Revision
> {jo.vermeulen at} not present
> in <bzrlib.weave.Weave object at 0xb7804efc>
>   command: '/usr/bin/bzr' 'status'
>       pwd: u'/home/jo/Desktop/'
>     error: bzrlib.errors.WeaveRevisionNotPresent
>   at /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/bzrlib/ line 220, in
> lookup()
>   see ~/.bzr.log for debug information
> -----------------
> That's what I get whenever I try a bzr command.
>> The comment about a revision being converted as a ghost is probably
>> because you used "bzr merge" before it was also pulling history from the
>> other branch.
> Hmmm, I haven't actually merged anything. This is just a cleanly created
> bzr repository, without using a CVS import.
>> It should still be usable with a ghost, if it isn't, that is a bug,
>> which we would like to know about, and would certainly fix.
> Ok, just let me know if there's any additional information you need.

Can you send us the contents of your ~/.bzr.log
Also, the contents of .bzr/revision-history

It seems like it might not be able to find the current revision, which
we have some ideas as to why.

One thing that you can try is typing:
.bzr.backup/revision-store/jo.vermeulen at*

And then also:
.bzr/revision-store/*/jo.vermeulen at*

That should tell us if it should have found the revision in the old
history, and whether or not it exists in the new one.


> Kind regards,
> Jo

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