some sftp & status-message patches

Robey Pointer robey at
Mon Nov 7 08:32:39 GMT 2005

I have 4 patches for

1385: use prefetch() for sftp downloads if paramiko 1.5.1 is installed

I wasn't sure if this would matter but it turned out to make a 16%  
speed improvement on a small (<50 revisions, no large files) archive  
across a LAN.  It will probably make more of a difference on high- 
latency links and large files, but if it's getting 16% improvement  
even on dinky close archives, it's probably worth doing all the time.

1386: add a status message when a 'commit' or 'pull' is done

I'm really ADD so I tend to do 'commit' or 'pull' and then go to  
another terminal.  When I come back, bzr is finished and has no  
information to display on whether it did anything.  So after a  
commit, I have it display the new revno, and after pull, it displays  
how many revisions it downloaded.  I'm guessing there's some story  
behind the lack of status messages that I'm not privy to, but anyway  
*I* wanted it. :)

1387: add a status message after a 'branch' too

1388: fix up sftp urls

This does the relative-vs-absolute path fix that I promised earlier,  
which means *you must change your push/pull sftp urls* after this.   
Relative urls now look like this:


and absolute urls look like:


the '%2f' can be a '/', even though that's against the RFC draft.  It  
doesn't seem to hurt anything and '%2f' looks irritating.

There were also some bugs in sftp url parsing, like 'user:pass'  
wasn't getting parsed correctly, and url unquoting wasn't always  
happening when it should.  I fixed those and added a couple of unit  
tests to verify them.

My branch is here:
but it looks like it'll take another 2 hours to finish uploading (!)  
so the separate patch files are in the same folder (via web browser),  
named '1388.patch' etc.


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