bzr push, working directory, bzrtools

William Dode wilk-ml at
Thu Nov 3 08:20:30 GMT 2005

On 02-11-2005, John A Meinel wrote:
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> Matthieu Moy wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I've updated my bzr, and noticed there was now a native "bzr push". I
>> suppose the one in bzrtools can now be removed.
>> The push command doen't create a working directory. The documentation
>> should mention the way to re-create this working directory when the
>> user has a local access to the push location.
>> It seems "revert" does the trick. Perhaps there's a better way.
> Robert and I have been discussing if "bzr push" should modify the
> working directory when it is available. (I recently create a patch for
> creating branches without working directories, for cases like a
> published repository, which doesn't need them).

I think it should be an option to create the working tree with bzr push,
it's very usefull if somebody want to download only the working tree
(with rsync --exclude .bzr for example), maybe they don't have bzr or
they don't care of the history...

> I believe Robert was working on some way to make the bzrtools' push
> either not load itself if it finds the builtin one, or somehow add
> functionality to it (copy the files using rsync rather than plain sftp
> for instance). I'm not sure where he got on this.
> For recreating the working tree, I believe revert is the only method
> currently implemented.

Sometimes bzr is not available on the server, specialy when people will
push to ftp.

William Dodé -

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