push over sftp

John Arbash Meinel john at arbash-meinel.com
Wed Nov 2 20:11:15 GMT 2005

Robey Pointer wrote:
> On 2 Nov 2005, at 10:09, Joachim Nilsson wrote:
>> I have the latest paramiko package (Debian/unstable) installed and the
>> latest rev of bzr.dev.
> !!!  Wow, my first debian package! :)
>> How is "bzr push" on bzr.dev supposed to work? I've tried several
>> variants on the theme:
> SFTP urls are always absolute and formatted like HTTP urls, so I  think
> the right one would be:
> sftp://crash@vmlinux.org/home/crash/public_html/bzr/gul
> I was just able to push one of my archives to a new place using  "push"
> over sftp, so it does seem to work (but be sure the  destination folder
> doesn't exist yet, bzr wants to be able to mkdir it).

Actually, it does:
except NoSuchFile:

The only problem I know of is if the directory already exists, and
SftpTransport is raising the wrong exception.

I think that was fixed in Robert's integration branch. Though I know he
(and I believe you) had problems because paramiko doesn't through
informative exceptions.


>> Exception exceptions.AttributeError: "'Transport' object has no 
>> attribute 'packetizer'" in <bound method Transport.__del__ of 
>> <paramiko.Transport at 0xB76E392CL (unconnected)>> ignored
> Interesting bug find, I'll fix that for the next paramiko release  (but
> it's not related to your problem).
> robey

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