gannotate 0.6 release

John A Meinel john at
Mon Oct 31 16:41:22 GMT 2005

Mark Rosenstand wrote:
> Hi Dan,
> Dan Loda <danloda at> wrote:
>> gannotate is a GTK+ annotation plugin. Now with with emacs vc-annotate
>> like highlighting.
> gannotate seems to cause trouble when using bzr over ssh. No matter what I
> do, I get this warning:
> bzr: WARNING: Unable to load plugin 'gannotate' from
> '/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/bzrlib/plugins'

Does it always do that, or just when you use an ssh target?

Can you do:

BZR_DEBUG=1 bzr <whatever>

The debug request will put the traceback of why it couldn't load the
plugin into ~/.bzr.log

Martin- Shouldn't it always print the traceback?


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