bzrk 0.2 released

Magnus Therning magnus at
Mon Oct 31 10:04:25 GMT 2005

On Fri, Oct 28, 2005 at 06:36:49PM -0400, Scott James Remnant wrote:
>Slightly cold in the distance behind bzr 0.6 is a new release of bzrk
>("bzr visualise") to go with it.
> - updated for bzrlib api changes in bzr 0.6
> - bug fix from Jelmer Vernooij to allow other bzr commands to work when
>   you don't have an X display
> - exits when the main window is closed taking diff windows for it,
>   rather than waiting for those to be closed too, which most people
>   found confusing
> - tries a little harder not to assign the same colour to multiple
>   parents of a revision

Can I do system-wide installation of it?


Magnus Therning                    (OpenPGP: 0xAB4DFBA4)
magnus at

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     -- attributed to W.A. Wulf
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