[Win32] selftest results

Alexander Belchenko bialix at ukr.net
Sun Oct 30 19:59:27 GMT 2005

I and John Meinel fix numerous win32-related bugs. But some is not
fixed. I think it should be added to bugtracker, because I don't sure
how to fix them.

Failed tests:

- bzrlib.selftest.testgpg.TestCommandLine.test_returns_output (win32 has
no 'cat' utility, but gpg subsystem itself may be incorrect implemented
for win32)


(is internal usage of path that contains '/' instead of '\\' on win32
accepted or not?)

- blackbox test_pull (command 'bzr pull .' acquire 2 locks for the same
branch: deadlock situation on win32 native and cygwin)

- bzrlib.inventory.InventoryEntry (returned path has win32 separator
'\\': it should be accepted? The test itself implemented as doctest so
it difficult to make them cross-platform)


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