Bug triaging

Robert Collins robertc at robertcollins.net
Sat Oct 29 18:06:07 BST 2005

On Sat, 2005-10-29 at 18:43 +0200, Wouter van Heyst wrote:
> I've merged and closed a couple of bugs yesterday, and John is clearing
> more this day (at quite a pace I might add). Most of the bugs in the
> tracker are in an 'untriaged' state. How much of regularly going through
> the bugs and accepting/assigning and otherwise changing their status
> would be useful? 
> In other words, I'd like to help out but don't want to step on peoples
> toes.

I think that bug management is an important part of keeping a projects
current issues in a clear state - managing the bug list is a significant
amount of work, and anything you care to do will be appreciated. I'm
sure that there *may* be disagreements on exactly how that management
should look, but rather than prejudge that - just go for it!

With regards to the bug lists, some bugs will be 'we should think about
X later' style bugs, and I think they are best translated into specs
(https://launchpad.net/products/bzr/+specs) so that we think about them
without adding noise to the list of actual defects.


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