Remote Merge

John A Meinel john at
Fri Oct 28 17:11:51 BST 2005

Erik Bågfors wrote:
>> The plan is to do it like this:
>> bzr branch sftp://my@remote/branch local_branch
>> cd local_branch
>> <hack hack>
>> bzr commit -m "Made some changes"
>> Local branch is not up-to-date
>> $bzr pull
>> $bzr commit
>> That's not decentralized, but it doesn't sound like you really want
>> decentralized, at least for this branch.
> So how is the plan to know when a branch should also commit to the
> remote and when it shouldn't.  The way I see it, if I run "branch",
> then I want a stand alone branch.  If I want a
> commit-to-central-branch (I forget what this is called), then maybe we
> should use another command such as checkout?

I think the idea would be to do a bound checkout.

bzr branch --bound sftp://my@remote/branch local_branch
<hack hack>
bzr commit -m "Changes"
## Not up-to-date
bzr pull
bzr status # Check and see what is going on
bzr commit -m "Changes"

# Take your laptop offline
<hack hack>
bzr commit -m "New changes"
## Failed to connect to branch sftp://my@remote/branch
bzr unbind
bzr commit -m "New changes"

# Get back to the office
bzr bind
## Trees have diverged
bzr merge
bzr commit -m "Merging back to mainline"
bzr bind # This will push the changes back to mainline

At least that is how I see the bound branches working. I really want to
be able to unbind I case I go offline, but then be able to rebind when I
come back online.

To me, that would be a killer feature.


> So, for example,
> bzr checkout sftp://my@remote/branch local_branch
> cd local_branch
> <hack hack>
> bzr commit -m "Made some changes"
> Local branch is not up-to-date
> $bzr pull
> $bzr commit
> /Erik

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