GTK+ annotate plugin

Dan Loda danloda at
Wed Oct 26 11:32:01 BST 2005

On Tue, 2005-10-25 at 10:48 +1000, Martin Pool wrote:
> Apparently it's no longer called granny mode.  Anyhow, it looks like this:
> Lines with hot (red) colors are recent, and cool colors are old.  You
> can imagine having a choice different schemes for entertainment, or to
> suit people with partial or total color insensitivity.
> There is also a choice of the time scale over which to show changes.

My first go at this is at:

It's a fairly straight copy of vc-annotate, including the problems I
have with it (which I plan to fix): it uses 18 colors -- I for one
cannot remember such a legend. The majority of the colors are then
meaningless and noisy. The yellows are unreadable on a light background.

Dan Loda <danloda at>

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